St Mary's Bromley

Welcome to St Mary's Church.  St. Mary's is a really friendly church and people of all ages come to join in worship and other activities. We are a happy church and are a supportive of one another, facing sorrows and difficulties together.

Get in touch

Atlanta Topham

Parish Administrator
020 8466 6969

Our website

What's on

Study Group

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour

A small group which meets online to study and discuss various topics related to Christian practice and how this interacts with the world as a whole. We mainly meet via Zoom online, but we have real get-togethers once a month in our member's homes

We have planted a crab apple tree to mark 160 years of St Mary's Church in Bromley.


We are committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. If you have any concerns please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer Mrs Lisa Morris, Telephone 07703 288160, Email [email protected]

St Mary's Bromley Charity No. 1132142