Greetings from Revd Lizzie

Thy Kingdom Come

Dear All Saints and St Marys"Thy Kingdom Come" are some of the most powerful words of the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples and teaches us today. They invite, welcome, anticipate and encourage into our lives, what God desires for the world. Not the little kingdoms that we build around ourselves, but the bigger, bolder vision of a world created, at rest, in love, and at peace. Sometimes we feel a fair distance from that, and yet - each week - we sincerely pray it. 

"Thy Kingdom Come" is the strapline for this time of prayer between the feasts of Ascension and Pentecost. A time when the church prays for the coming of God's kingdom, in that we accept the task that Jesus gives us and wait and pray for the Holy Spirit to help us in that task. For us in the parishes it is also a time of APCM's and the importance of reflecting together whilst looking back on what we have noticed and been part of, and looking forwards towards where we might be taken by the Holy Spirit in the coming year. 

This is also the week that Christian Aid Week occurs, a time when we can be part of and are invited into being part of seeing God's kingdom come through the work of this Worldwide Church. Envelopes are available in both churches as we worship together this week.

Our services this week include

8.00am - Holy Communion - All Saints
10.00am - Sung Holy Communion (followed by the APCM) - St Marys
10.30am - Muddy/Messy Church - All Saints
7.15pm - Generations - All Saints Community Hall


Tuesday 14th May 10:30am - Music 4 Tots - St. Mary
Weds 15th May 9:00am - Celtic Morning Prayer - All Saints
Thursday 16th May 10:00am - Holy Communion - St. Mary’s
Friday 17th May 11:00am - Living After Loss - St. Mary’s

Saturday 18th May
10:00am - 11:30am - Christian Aid Coffee Morning - St. Mary’s
12noon - 3:00pm - Spring Fayre (with Dog Show) - All Saints
12noon - 2:00pm - Saturday Lunches - St Mary’s

Sunday 19th May
10:00am - Sung Holy Communion - St. Mary’s
10:30am - Holy Communion - All Saints
12noon - Annual Parochial Church Meeting - All Saints

I love the month of May - especially when we see the sun a little more. I found a 7 fold piece of poetry about creation that I wanted to share with you, as we are invited into the rest that God desires for his Kingdom.

Blessing and rest, delight in everything,
Sustained by your strong love and richly blest,

This is the gift you give, the day you bring

Blessing and rest.

This is the 'gladness of the best’,
From the lines in the east where linnets sing,

To where the last light lingers in the west.

You lift the cares to which I used to cling,
As you yourself descend to be my guest

And show me how to find in everything

Blessing and rest.

Malcolm Guite - Parable and Paradox

May you all know the blessing and rest that God desires for the Kingdom.


Revd Lizzie

Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches, Fishponds
Interim Co Area Dean Bristol City Deanery