Upcoming dates

Anna Lunch
The first Anna * lunch will be on May 8th at 1pm at Dunsden, All Saints church. It will consist of a simple lunch of soup and a roll or jacket potato and a dessert. Initially, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, I can fund this first venture, however, ultimately a small donation towards costs will be much appreciated. Please let me know if you would like to come by calling me on 07946352026.
Revd. Heather
* This forms part of my Anna chaplaincy role to provide suitable get togethers for like minded people in their maturity.
Many thanks Heatherx

Summer Garden Open Days in aid of CPRE Oxfordshire

£10 per head, £5 for under 16s, under 10s free. Teas will be available – donations welcome.
Places limited so please reserve in advance – see www.cpreoxon.org.uk

Wednesday 5 June, 3pm-7pm College House, Stanton St John

The 800-year old St John the Baptist Church forms a unique backdrop to this wonderful garden, complete with fruit trees, walled garden and even the odd guinea fowl! June should be the perfect time to see the herbaceous borders in all their glory.

Sat 6 July, 2.30pm-5pm Coopers & Woolstone Lodge, Woolstone

Two wonderful gardens, within walking distance of each other, together offering topiary, herbaceous borders, wild garden, vegetable garden, rock garden, stream and open views across countryside and White Horse Hill.

All proceeds to CPRE Oxfordshire, the Countryside Charity.

Helen Marshall | Director
T: 01491 612079 | M: 07791 376365
(Normal working days Mon-Thurs)

Caring for God’s Creation

Activities and crafts at half term – May 28, 29, 30.

It’s that exciting time again when we host children and their adults for fun
and ways to express aspects of our faith.
Recycle, reuse, repurpose, avoid waste are high on our agenda.
It is important that what we do and use reflects these values.

Are you able to contribute your left over / spare …
Compost, seedlings, seeds, sand, wool, buttons and beads, cardboard tubes from kitchen paper rolls, CDs, water bottles, 2L milk bottles,

Please bring your donation to any of our churches by May 19th.
Thank you for supporting the team who are hands on with this hospitality,
or maybe, on their hands and knees!

Contacting the clergy
Please try not to telephone any member of the clergy between 09:00 - 09:45 on Monday and Wednesdays as they are either taking Morning Prayer, attending a staff meeting, leading mid week Eucharist or involved with the bible study group.
Please also respect that Friday is Revd Robert's day off and consider if your call can wait.
Revd Pam and Revd Heather give their time freely to the benefice on a part time basis and they are not always available to answer calls or emails immediately.

Mobility Scooter - free
There is a mobility scooter available free to anybody in the Benefice who might need one. It has only been used twice. If you would like more information then please contact Robert.

Zoom meetings
As we are no longer paying for a subscription, our meetings are now restricted to 40 minutes. The time starts from the moment the first person enters the meeting so, please, do not enter before the set time.

Seeking Volunteers
Thank you to those who have come forward already. There are a number of opportunities available for supporting your church and local community:

Churchwarden and Treasurer for Shiplake Church; Sacristans and Chalice Assistants for all churches

If any of these roles appeal, or you’d just like to know more, please speak to one of the clergy team.

Expanding our Pastoral Care Team
We are planning to expand our Pastoral Care Team and extend an invitation to anyone who feels called to be a visitor to the housebound, taking Home Communion and/or journeying with people who have been bereaved, preparing for marriage or having children Baptised.
If this is of interest, please contact Revd Robert for a discussion about what is involved.
Training and mentoring will be offered.