Parish Finances


 Notwithstanding the small congregation, St Mary’s has benefited from strong financial support from this small base and has paid its annual Parish Share in full in each of the last four years. In the same period, gross income for general purposes has varied between £17,600 and £25,900, resulting in either a small surplus or deficit, after expenses, to give an overall neutral position.

 In addition, there have been several successful, large, capital fundraising projects in recent years, notably a church fabric restoration project of £100,000 in the late 1990s and a £90,000 project to restore the bells to full circle ringing in 2004.

Most members of the congregation give using an envelope scheme  which takes advantage of Gift Aid.  In relation to the size of congregation, giving is above the national average for the Church.

The PCC budgets for anticipated expenditure based on expected income and outgoings; the PCC has budgeted over £1000 a year as charitable giving to several Christian Charities in recent years.

A  full copy  of the accounts can be provided on request by the Treasurer, Dr Neil Cross.