The Church Community

 The Worshipping Community

Sunday Services

Over an average month, the Sunday mornings consist of Holy Communion or Morning Worship.

There is a rota for Bible readings and intercessions in the services.

The congregation would see itself as being Bible based with little formality.  

When a family requests a baptism, they meet the Vicar.

Churchwarden: Peter Brace with Andrew Edney (assistant churchwarden)

St Mary’s PCC

The PCC  meets about four times a year. Members are:

          Chairman: Valmor Pimenta (Vicar)

          Vice-chair: Peter Brace (Churchwarden)

          Treasurer: Neil Cross

          Secretary: Debbie Rudwick (Takes Church Room bookings, Electoral Roll officer, etc., etc.)

Tower Captain (bell ringers): Geoff Durant