St Peter's Church, Bury St Edmunds

“Welcome to St Peter’s Church. We’re really glad you’re here. We are a group of people passionate about sharing the love of God with those around us. Do come and join us at one of our services. You will be made very welcome.”

Get in touch

Andy Williams

Minister with responsibility for St Peter's
07960 491871
Jackie Crofts, Events Manager
07561 334695

Our website

What's on

Daily Prayer

Every day at for 20 mins
St Peter's Church, Bury St Edmunds

Daily Prayer at 09:30 each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday live-streamed from our parish. You don’t need to join Facebook to view the page.

Christians pray to God. That’s because Christianity isn’t a theory or a philosophy. It’s a relationship with God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Prayer can take many forms. All prayer is being aware of God. Silent prayer is powerful. Words help too. You can use your own words in a kind of honest conversation with God. In this Daily Prayer, we use structured prayers to help us. These words are mostly based on the Bible.

To begin with, Daily Prayer can feel a bit ‘wordy’. But relax. Let the words wash over you like the lyrics of a song. If your mind wanders, don’t tell yourself off. Just come back to the awareness of God who is with you wherever you are.

We use the Morning Prayer of the Church of England. You can simply watch and pray with us. But if you want to participate more deeply, you can

Open a new window or use a second screen to follow the text of the prayers and readings at Follow the ‘Morning Prayer (Contemporary) link’.
Download the Daily Prayer app, which is available for iOs or Android.