New plans to add a servery, an accessible WC and a gallery meeting space

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We want to encourage and enable greater use of the building by all sections of the community, including Lovington School and so would like to install an accessible loo, a servery, and create a gallery above to be a meeting space. Now a one-off opportunity is available for us to secure the balance of the funding we need via Viridor credits however the timeframe for application is very tight. We hope you will be able to help us by showing your support for the idea with an e-mail or letter. It would be much appreciated if you could do this by 20 January 2021 as this will then enable us to collate such letters and emails of support into one document for submission with our Stage 2 application to Viridor Credits by their deadline of 31 January

Sending an email expressing support for these proposals either to Martin Roberts, Churchwarden, [email protected] or to Revd Marion, our vicar, at [email protected]. Viridor and other funders react best to your own words rather than proforma phrases so please add your reasons why these ideas could benefit the village and the church.

This application will then be considered by Viridor Credits at a meeting on 12 March. We will be advised whether our application has been successful within 4 weeks of that meeting. If it is, our aim is to start work on site in May/June. The proposals would then be completed later this year and thereby enable our delightful ancient parish church to continue serving our local community as it has done since it was originally founded in the 13th century but with updated facilities fit for the 21st century.