2022 Holy Week and Easter Services

Holy Week and Easter Services

Palm Sunday 10 April

Parish Eucharist 9.00am

Cathedral Eucharist 10.30am

Choral Evensong 4.00pm

Tuesday 12 April

Bach’s St John Passion 7.30pm

English Touring Opera & Blackburn Choirs £15.00

Thursday 14 April

Chrism Eucharist 11.00am

Cathedral Eucharist 8.00pm

Preacher: The Very Rev Gordon McPhate

Friday 15 April from 12 Noon

The Three Hours

Including Liturgy of Good Friday

Preacher: The Very Rev Gordon McPhate

Saturday 16 April

Easter Vigil with confirmation 8.00pm

followed by refreshments by Checks & Greys

Easter Day 17 April

Parish Eucharist 9.00am

Cathedral Eucharist 10.30am

President and Preacher the Bishop of Blackburn

Choral Evensong 4.00pm