A message from Becky... 26th April

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar
Dear friendsIt's always a pleasure to write some thoughts for our weekly message each week. To imagine in my mind's eye the community of St Martin's and to consider how you all are, and how we might connect.We're in the season of preparing the annual report, in anticipation of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) on May 19th at 12.00pm. With each report, the ways in which we have connected throughout 2023 are captured, ready to celebrate. We have connected in a range of ways over recent weeks, from our acts of worship, a working party, midweek prayer, at Southlands residential home, through preparation for confirmation, a PCC meeting, and of course with the telephone calls, emails, walks, cups of tea, and general community "being" that is always part of life.Our Gospel passage this week (John 15: 1 - 8) speaks about the way we are connected to the Father, to God, like branches of a vine, and reinforces how important it is to maintain the connection, to aim to "abide" or "be" with God, so that we might bear fruit.On Saturday at 11am we are connecting with anyone who would like to be part of a conversation about the vision for St Martins and our children, young people and families, as well as connecting on Sunday at our traditional Holy Communion service at 8.30am, and our All Together Communion service at 10.30am. You're invited, come and strengthen your connection to the vine!I wonder if you would also like to consider ways in which your connection to the body of Christ, as seen in the community at St Martin's, could strengthen. The Electoral roll is open to new members - this "roll" represents anyone who feels they are a member of St Martin's church, and it enables us to have a realistic picture of who and how many people are part of the membership. There are also a number of spaces on the Parochial Church Council (PCC), and this group forms part of the governance and leadership of St Martin's. Forms for each of these are at the back of church.We are also looking for volunteers to help with the behind the scenes setting up and serving at Cafe Church. All of these are ways to grow in connection, and participate in the story of this beautiful church.I look forward to connecting with you in the coming days.With every blessingBecky