Easter at Coffee Pot

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Coffee Pot is held in the Church Centre every Tuesday from 10 -11.30am during school term time and provides a relaxed and welcoming environment for parents and children, from birth to pre-school, to meet and socialize. Every week the hall is filled with a colourful array of toys ready for playtime to start, including a toddler trampoline, a slide, activity mats, ride on toys and an amazing dolls house.

Each session is structured to include playtime, craft, a story and songs, which many of the parents have said that they appreciate as this encourages everyone to interact and provides a range of engaging activities for the babies and toddlers. There is a break for drinks and snacks too!

Recently Coffee Pot celebrated Easter by sharing the story of Easter and why it is celebrated by Christians.The children made Easter decorations, creating lots of bright and cheerful rabbits and chicks. At the end of the morning, after much fun and fellowship, there was a lively sing song with plenty of actions which everyone of all ages enjoyed! Amazingly the children also had fun helping to tidy up, especially when it was time to roll up the big carpet!