Latest Notices from St John's

Security Notice: Responding to recent concerns, we have been reviewing security in church during services. Please make sure that you keep any valuables with you at all times and do not leave bags or other items unattended.

‘Green Pastures’ Dementia Friendly Service: The next service will be on Tuesday 7th May from 2pm-3pm. This is a short service of music, prayers and reflection, with tea & coffee afterwards.

Mothers’ Union: Thursday, 9th May. The Beeston group of diocesan members is meeting in church at 2.15pm. All welcome.

Christian Aid Week runs from 12th to 18th May. As in previous years, we will be collecting donations during this week.

IF YOU ARE NEW to St John’s or even if you have been attending for a little while, we would like to welcome you with coffee and cake on Saturday 18th May between 10 am and midday. This will be a chance to meet a few people informally, find out a little about the church, climb the bell tower (from the inside!), discover who’s who, what we do and ask questions if you want. There is no need to book a place, just turn up. We’re looking forward to meeting you.

Eco Corner: Poetry on Wildlife. (Author unknown)

Let there be colour,

let there be green,

let there be smiles that last much longer.

Let there be praise for nature,

let there be love for the wild.

Let trees stand tall,

let there be vision.

Let there be flight,

let there be wind under the wings.

Let there be forests for generations to come,

let existence be beautiful.

Let’s change a little,

let’s conserve a little.

Churchyard wildlife survey: Members of Beeston Wildlife Group kindly came recently to survey the natural environment and wildlife in the churchyard, with some participation from two members of the Eco Church group. Despite blustery, cold weather some things of interest were identified. We have now received a list of what was spotted, and will find a way to share this with the congregation soon. In the meantime, ask Jackie Laats, our churchwarden, if you'd like to see the complete list. We hope to build on this relationship with BWG, and thank them for giving their time and expertise in this way.