A World of Christmas

Advent christmas

A World of Nativity

An exhibition of Nativity Sets from around the World

St. Mary’s Church, Hanley Castle, Worcestershire.

Saturday 2nd December to Sunday 10th December

Daily, 2.00pm – 5.00pm


This annual exhibition features over 300 nativities from nearly 100 countries around the world and makes the perfect start to the season of Advent. Items on display illustrate the Christmas story in wood, metal, paper, felt, wool, fabric, and clay; carved from tropical nuts, formed from recycled bullets and spark plugs, folded from old magazines. The Holy Family appear in the likeness of the people who made them, the attendant animals are indigenous to their area, and many of the craftspeople who create them rely on their work being Fair Trade.

This year there is also a history of the decorated tree from the early Paradise Tree through the Christbaum and Victorian Era to the Electric Tree of the 1950's


Please find below a link to a short video recorded at the 2021 Exhibition by the Diocese of Worcester.   





For further information please contact:

Helen Owens

[email protected]