Annual Parochial Church Meeting - St Mary's Church, Boxford

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary's, Boxford
Church Street Boxford, Sudbury, CO10 5DU, United Kingdom

Please do attend to support your local church and celebrate its' achievements over the past year. Also consider standing for a role on your local Parochial Church Council (PCC). Only with enough volunteers can your local church flourish.

St Mary's, Boxford

Singles, Families, Married, Divorced, Gay, Widowed, Children, Teenagers, Millennials, Thirties-somethings, Over-Forties, Mid-life, Approaching Retirement, Retired, Golden Years, Moonlight Years… If this describes you, or even if it doesn’t, then our churches are here for you!

Get in touch

Fr Rob Parker-McGee SR

The Rectory
School Hill

CO10 5JT
01787 210434
Benefice Office
01787 828046

Our website

What's on

Annual Parochial Church Meeting - St Mary's Church, Boxford

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary's, Boxford
Church Street Boxford, Sudbury, CO10 5DU, United Kingdom

Please do attend to support your local church and celebrate its' achievements over the past year. Also consider standing for a role on your local Parochial Church Council (PCC). Only with enough volunteers can your local church flourish.

St Mary's, Boxford Charity No. 633285