The Glem Valley churches saw their new Rector Revd. Mary Styles welcomed into her new parishes with a service at Glemsford on 24th April. Bishop Mike led the proceedings.

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A mini food bank is now operating from St Mary's Church porch to help those in need at this difficult time for many households. If you can support this initiative with donations of food items we would be very grateful

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On this frosty morning, the churchyard is looking beautiful, though chilly for my job of chopping up the church Christmas tree into compostable pieces. But the silvered grass is a nice reminder that we have achieved our Silver Award from Ecochurch

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St Marys church is now open for visitors on Mondays, as well as Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. 10am - 4 pm or thereabouts!

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