Choral Evensong or Songs of Praise

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist
Church Street Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PD, United Kingdom

Choir-led service either Choral Evensong or Songs of Praise with church members choosing hymns and giving reasons/testimonies. Choral Evensong includes congregational hymns at beginning and end

In the summer months and on occasions this might be replaced by "Songs of Praise" type of service with church and choir members choosing hymns and giving their reasons for choosing them

Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist

Get in touch

Rev'd Rob Gladstone

What's on

Choral Evensong or Songs of Praise

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Rothley: St Mary the Virgin & St John the Baptist
Church Street Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PD, United Kingdom

Choir-led service either Choral Evensong or Songs of Praise with church members choosing hymns and giving reasons/testimonies. Choral Evensong includes congregational hymns at beginning and end

In the summer months and on occasions this might be replaced by "Songs of Praise" type of service with church and choir members choosing hymns and giving their reasons for choosing them