Being Church

Being Church

Responding to Jesus’ call to love God and our neighbour as ourselves is to show our trust and faith in Jesus, in the way we speak, in what we do, in what we are, in the way we live our everyday lives. The Church is supported by a relatively small number of people who give of their time, talents and treasures in response to this call. We want to say thank you to all those who support our church in so many ways; those who look after our fabric, the churchyard working party, cleaners, laundry and flowers. Those who provide cakes, run stalls, host teas, deliver magazines and raise money. Those who give financially through regular giving schemes, the many who hold positions of responsibility and roles within the church, choir, bellringers and those who serve on rotas. For all those who help to keep the Church alive and hold us in their prayers we thank you:

You are invited to

The BIG Thank You Service

at 6pm on Sunday 21st April

followed by drinks and nibbles.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting on the 28th April after our 9.45am communion service. Everyone is free to attend this in Church House. At this meeting we appoint our Church Wardens, PCC and sides people. But we also review the work of the church over the last year. These reports will be available from Easter Sunday and can be emailed to you or you can pick up a copy from the back of church. In order to remain vibrant and serve God and our community we are always looking for volunteers. Please do consider offering your time talents or treasures to the Church.

The Church requires a considerable amount of money to meet its running costs and obligations to the wider Church. This all comes from voluntary donations and fundraising. We receive no support from the government or public funding. On Pentecost Sunday, 19th May, we are inviting people to take away £5 and multiply it. This could be by making things to sell, hosting a coffee morning or sale or getting together with a group of other people to do something bigger. The multiplied £5 would be returned on 6th October with a service of celebration as we harvest the gifts from our talents so there is plenty of time to make the most of Summer and get your friends and family involved. Please do speak to Sarah or Paul if you are interested in taking part.