Mays Family Service and Church Breakfast


After a filling breakfast church of pastries, bacon sandwiches and lots of fruit juice, this month’s family service at St James we were focusing on Pentecost and the fact that God speaks my language! Our bible reading was from Acts 2:1-8, 12 and 14

God certainly knew how to draw a crowd! The dramatic wind and the mysterious flames excited people’s curiosity, but then it needed to inspired words that made sense for the people around. So when God chose to speak to people that day, God’s spirit gifted the apostles with languages that people could understand.

We talked about the fact that each of us are unique with our oen individual upbringin, culture and understanding of the world and how, at Pentecost, we see how God’s spirit takes this into account so that each of us is able to make sense of Gods unique love for us.

We had great fun running around the church trying to find the apostles, and then trying to remember all their names, and created a great poster for the children’s board in church. Pop in and have a look if you have 5 mins.

Next months family service is titled ‘Shh! It’s a secret!’ Come along and find out what that secret is on Sunday 2nd of May. Join us for breakfast at 09:30 and our 45min family service from 10:00, we look forward to seeing you there!