Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Booklet (2024) for 2023.pdf Download
Notices Church_news

This year our Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held at 11.00am on 12th May. This is the meeting when we elect Churchwardens to serve for the following year and members of the PCC (All Saints’ executive committee). We also hear about All Saints' life and activities in the previous year (2023), and receive the accounts.  A booklet including reports of activities not on the formal agenda is attached.

This is your church, so do come! Coffee is available in church before the meeting. A booklet of reports on matters from the Institute to church flowers, the Mothers’ Union to bell-ringing, which do not figure on the prescribed agenda, is attached here and will be available in church for you to browse.

Nomination forms for churchwardens, PCC members and a seat on Epsom Deanery Synod are available from Susan (via [email protected]). Any parishioner may vote for the churchwardens, but for the PCC it is necessary to be on All Saints’ Electoral Roll.