Eco Church and Citizen Science

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Eco Church is an initiative run by the A Rocha organisation, to facilitate churches, cathedrals and whole dioceses to help the Church of England reach Net Zero by 2030. The Eco Church scheme provides points for making small or large changes on the path to caring more for our environment. And points mean prizes! The first level Award for progress is Bronze, followed by Silver and Gold.

Our first Eco Church event will be an Eco Picnic and Nature Count on Sunday 9 June at 3pm, to celebrate Love Your Burial Ground Week 8-16 June. This will include our first Village Citizen Science project - joining Churches Count on Nature 2024. In the same way that we many of us have joined the Big Garden Birdwatch and the Big Butterfly Count in previous years, we invite you to help us survey the wildlife - trees, flowers, insects, animals. 

We have a number of identification guides in book form for you to use. You can use a pen & paper, or you can record your sightings on the iNaturalist app, which accepts photos and sound recordings, and offers suggestions on identification. All our observations will then be collated and passed on to the National Biodiversity Network atlas. 

For the younger people, we will have a Fun Bug Hunt with worksheets and we will be building a Bug Hotel.

Please bring your own picnic and rug. We will provide a tea, coffee and cake stall. We look forward to welcoming you.

To help us keep our associated carbon emissions low for this event, please walk or cycle, if you are able.