Dilton Marsh Mothers' Union Branch News

Our March meeting was held at the home of Maureen Torry where we were made welcome and heard from our speaker, Mrs. Francoise Eden-Hamilton, a Senior Nurse Practitioner, who’s role is for the Transformative Care of the Older Person at the White Horse Health Centre.The huge number, 25,000 patients, cared for at the Health Centre, helped us to realize the extent of the health conditions which require medical intervention. The delivery of healthcare has changed dramatically, and we are now able to understand just what is involved when we make our initial phone call or ask questions at reception. We might see a doctor, or receive a phone call, or see another professional practitioner to deal with our problem. Mrs. Hamilton's experiences in her extensive nursing career, enables her to visit patients in their own home as well as being able to diagnose, assess and prescribe medication as necessary.

The support given to us all as we advance in age, was reassuring and very informative. Mrs. Hamilton was thanked for her very interesting talk and given a copy of our book of 100 Reasons to be Thankful, which had been compiled during Lockdown.

Jocelyn then brought us up to date with news of the Holiday Park vacancies, the request for diocesan help with bookings for this as well as a request for a treasurer to replace our retiring treasurer and help with organizing the Virtual Baby Programme.

We were reminded of our Spring gathering which will be at West Ashton village hall on 24th April and we look forward to our outing to Sherborne on May 2nd. Janet concluded our meeting with prayers and Maureen was thanked for her hospitality.

Jocelyn and Enid