May events at The Annunciation

Dear friends

Just a brief note to remind you of two events at The Annunciation during this month of May.
Thursday 9 May is ASCENSION DAY, which we will be anticipating this year with a Sung Mass on the Eve, WEDNESDAY 8 MAY at 7.30pm. This will also be a celebration of my Fortieth Anniversary of Ordination to the priesthood, and I hope you will be able to join me both to mark the Ascension (all too often overlooked these days) and to share in my celebration. Refreshments will follow.
Then on SATURDAY 18 MAY we will hold out customary SPRING FAIR from 10.30am to 2.00pm. Since we were able to resume them post-COVID our fairs have done very well; but they are important not only for the revenue they provide, but also for the visitors they attract and for the fellowship we enjoy. Please support us if you can. If you can bring a friend even better!
With every blessing,
Father Paul F.