Mothers' Union


The Coxheath Area Branch is for Mothers' Union members, friends and visitors, from the benefice and surrounding villages.

Our open branch meetings are bi monthly, on the 3rd Wednesday, in member's homes,  an invitation for anyone to join us.

Meetings commence with prayers, followed by a topical quiz, fun  game, or discussion and finally high tea.

Our regular outreach project is 'Soup on Sunday' held, on alternate months to the meetings, in Holy Trinity Church  commencing after the church service. Join us for soup and fellowship, particularly if you are single. 

Corporate communion is every 1st Thursday at 10am followed by coffee in Coxheath Cafe.

<span style="font-size: 1rem;">Branch Metings are now being held in person. Contact Lesley for latest event details.</span>

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contact Lesley 07814 817204 for links to meetings and coffee times  

We have a Facebook page

If you would like to know more about the work of Mothers' Union, or would like to give your support,

contact Lesley  07814 817204 or Margaret 01622 297144

Mary Sumner Prayer

All this day , O Lord, Let me touch as many lives as possible for thee: and every life I touch, do thou by thy spirit quicken, whether through the words I speak, or the prayer I breathe, or the life I live.
