St Anne, Whelford


If you have any concerns, contact the Diocese Safeguarding Team directly on 07944 680320 For more information go to the Diocesan Safeguarding page:

Gloucestershire County Council Children's Help desk 01452 426565 or out of hours 01452 613194

Parish Giving

Support our ministry and mission

Get in touch

Fairford Parish Administrator
01285 712611
What's on

Sunday 22 September All Parishes Together

for 1 hour
St Mary's Kempsford
St Mary's Kempsford, High Street Kempsford GL7 4ET

There will be a joint service of Holy Communion starting at 9.30 am at St Mary's Kempsford when we will be celebrating the Harvest..
Any donations of foodstuffs will be given to the Cirencester Foodbank

There will be one service for all 5 parishes starting at 10 am at Castle Eaton
All are welcome