Churchwardens Report

Churchwarden’s report for April 2024

The month of March has seen out Mothering Sunday and Palm

Sunday and soon the rigours of Lent will be over with services on

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and then Easter Day.

The quinquennial report upon the condition of the fabric of St.

Mary’s has now been completed: it is detailed and recites a long

list of those things that need attention, some more urgent than

others: it is a depressing but useful reminder of the constant need

to try to keep on top of maintenance and of raising funds to do

so. One item at least, mentioned in the report, has been remedied

- a slight leak in the disabled toilet which meant it could not be

used : thanks to the persistence of Chris O’Donovan the cause of

the leak has been identified and eliminated.

The Rostherne with Bollington PCC met earlier in the month ; one

item on the agenda was the approval of the Annual Report and

Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2023; they were

approved subject to the independent examiner being satisfied as

to their content. One item of concern was the cost of production of

the monthly Parish magazine which was considerably greater

than any receipts from adverts or donations: it was decided that

there should be a return to imposing a subscription : quite how

that is to be arranged is yet to be sorted out.

Finally, news has been received of the death of David Kershaw.

He was a bellringer at St.Mary’s for over 60 years: he was 87. He

was still ringing until a month or so ago and for as long as anyone

can remember he conducted the ringers on a Sunday. He was

greatly respected and liked .He will be sorely missed.

Christopher Tetlow