Church Development tool

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Our Church - Who is here?

We would like to know more about the makeup of our churches to help us determine if these match the local communities that they are a part of and to better identify the needs of traditionally underrepresented groups.

a) White

b) Mixed / multiple ethnic groups

c) Asian / Asian British

d) Black / African / Caribbean / Black British

e) Other ethnic group

11. Do you have...?

Christ Centered - the activities which bring me closer to God

12. Thinking about the past year, how often have you done any of the activities listed below?

Everyday Faith - being a church of missionary disciples

13. Please reflect on the extent to which you agree with the following statements

Sharing Faith - helping others to know Christ

14. Thinking about your church activites over the last two years

Church Ministry - role and interests

15. This question is only for those who are not ordained clergy

Thinking about the past two years, have you participated in your church in any of the following ways (in person or online):

16. This question is only for those who are not ordained clergy

Are you any of the following?