About Us

Brickworks is about building community in the Rufford and Stambermill area.  At its heart is a fledgling church, a group of people who love God, love each other and love the Rufford area.  Starting on 14th September 2014, we’ve been meeting every Sunday for worship – a new sort of church right here in the middle of our community.

But it’s more than a church.  Brickworks isn’t here just for the people who come to Sunday services.  It’s for the whole community.  That’s why we run community events – like the pancake party, the Easter Egg hunt, litter picks - and the Summer Event. And that’s also the reason for the regular community activities – the Community Cafe on Tuesday morning, the football on Thursday.

In some ways you could say it’s less than a church as well.  We don’t have a church building – so there are no bells, no churchyard, no pews, no stained glass windows.  Nor do we have long-established traditions. No-one can say, "We’ve always done it this way!” – because it’s new to all of us.