Messy Church

Our Messy Church over the summer saw us built a camp in the churchyard as we heard the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt across the dessert. With the recent heatwaves it felt as if we were there. We learnt how God led his people with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. During worship we thought about when God has been there to lead us in our lives and used this reflection to draw life maps of our journey in life so far. We created our own pillars of cloud and fire and made lanterns from old jam jars. For lunch we enjoyed hot dogs followed by bring and share desert. We finished the session by toasting marshmallows over a fire pit (with buckets of water on standby to keep the grass wet!)

Our next meeting will be in October half term, watch out for the date and do come and join us.