New Priest in Charge

My name is Revd Julie Hardy and I was Licensed as Priest in Charge of Bentley Common, Kelvedon Hatch and Navestock on Monday 30th March. I moved with my family to Kelvedon Hatch four days before the lockdown and then the churches also were locked down. Not quite the start I had imagined!


 <span style="font-size: 1rem;">Many people have said to me what a bad time to start in the role. How are you going to do church? Well, the church is more than a building, it is the people, the body of Christ. I’m reminded of the disciples after Jesus had died, they were frightened and locked themselves away, not knowing what to do next and they prayed to God to help them. I’ve also been praying about what to do next - I’m treating this time as a blank canvas, a time to do church differently. Jesus didn’t do things the way the people thought he would or should, he turned water into wine (I can’t do that), he taught fishermen to fish for people, he showed us how to love and serve others, by washing feet! He spoke with people who were diseased, people who were sad, people who were not someone you would normally speak to. Above all, he prayed.</span>

The church building may be closed, but we have been busy putting posters up around the village during Easter; perhaps you saw them? We are using the St Nicholas Kelvedon Hatch Facebook page to live stream services and to put other information on. In addition, we have a YouTube channel, called Benefice: Bentley, Kelvedon Hatch & Navestock where the services are available for anyone to watch.

If you use the internet but you’ve not used Facebook before or perhaps you don’t want to join Facebook, you can still look at St Nicholas Kelvedon Hatch Facebook page. All you have to do is type this

into the Google search bar or any other search engine that you use. You will then arrive at the Facebook page. You don’t have to join Facebook, but you can watch things or ‘like’ posts. We are reimagining ministry, have a look and see what’s new!

I am here for the people of Kelvedon Hatch, Bentley Common and Navestock and am praying for you. I can be contacted on 01277 373486 and [email protected]

With every blessing

Revd Julie Hardy