Christmas Services in the Benefice

for 9 days, 19 hours, 30 mins
St Mary Magdalene, Barkway
Church Lane Barkway Royston SG8 8EJ, SG8 8EJ, United Kingdom
Reed St Mary
Church Close Reed Royston, SG8 8AN, United Kingdom
St Margaret of Antioch, Barley
Church End Barley Royston, SG8 8JR, United Kingdom

Sunday 15th December
4pm – Reed Carol Service (with Reed Choir) at St Mary's Reed.
6pm – Barley Carol Service at St Margaret of Antioch Barley.

Saturday 21st December
4pm – Buckland Carol Service (with Reed Choir) at St Andrew's Buckland.

Sunday 22nd December
6pm – Barkway Carol Service at St Mary Magdalene Barkway.

Christmas Eve
5pm – Crib Service in Queenbury Barn, Reed.
8.30pm – Christmas Eve Holy Communion at St Mary's Church Reed.
11.15pm – Midnight Christmas Eve Holy Communion at St Mary Magdalene in Barkway.

Christmas Day
10.30am Christmas Morning Service in St Margaret of Antioch Barley.

All are welcome to any of our Christmas services.

St Mary Magdalene, Barkway

We are a small rural benefice in North East Hertfordshire, covering an area that includes Barkway, Barley, Reed, Buckland, Chipping, Nuthampstead and Newsells. Our nearest towns are Royston and Buntingford, but Cambridge is also within easy reach.

Full details regarding the benefice together with times of services are available by clicking

Our active churches are in Barkway, Barley and Reed; there is a redundant church is Buckland, where occasional services are held.

As Christians, we seek to worship God and live out our faith in our communities and beyond, in word and action, through loving God and loving our neighbour.

We would very much like to welcome you to join us for worship or for any other activities in the benefice.

Our United Benefice was in vacancy for about 22 months until the Reverend Mark Bridgen became our Rector. Mark’s Induction and Institution as Rector of Barkway, Barley, Reed and Buckland was carried out by The Lord Bishop of St Albans, the Rev’d Dr Alan Smith, on 21st May in Barkway Church.

Mark was formally Team Rector of the benefice of the West Sevenoaks Team Ministry and Team Vicar of
St Mary Kippington in Rochester Diocese. Please remember Mark, Karen (his wife), and their family in your prayers as he takes up his new role.

Get in touch

Rev Mark Bridgen

The Rectory
135 High Street

Rev Mark Bridgen
01763 848756
Rev Mark Bridgen

Our website

What's on

Christmas Services in the Benefice

for 9 days, 19 hours, 30 mins
St Mary Magdalene, Barkway
Church Lane Barkway Royston SG8 8EJ, SG8 8EJ, United Kingdom
Reed St Mary
Church Close Reed Royston, SG8 8AN, United Kingdom
St Margaret of Antioch, Barley
Church End Barley Royston, SG8 8JR, United Kingdom

Sunday 15th December
4pm – Reed Carol Service (with Reed Choir) at St Mary's Reed.
6pm – Barley Carol Service at St Margaret of Antioch Barley.

Saturday 21st December
4pm – Buckland Carol Service (with Reed Choir) at St Andrew's Buckland.

Sunday 22nd December
6pm – Barkway Carol Service at St Mary Magdalene Barkway.

Christmas Eve
5pm – Crib Service in Queenbury Barn, Reed.
8.30pm – Christmas Eve Holy Communion at St Mary's Church Reed.
11.15pm – Midnight Christmas Eve Holy Communion at St Mary Magdalene in Barkway.

Christmas Day
10.30am Christmas Morning Service in St Margaret of Antioch Barley.

All are welcome to any of our Christmas services.


Our United Benefice is proud to be a part of the Diocese of St. Albans in the Church of England, whose Archbishops, Bishops, clergy and leaders are absolutely committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church.

Safeguarding means the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture. This means we will promote the welfare of children, young people and adults, work to prevent abuse from occurring, seek to protect those that are at risk of being abused and respond well to those that have been abused. We will take care to identify where a person may present a risk to others, and offer support to them whilst taking steps to mitigate such risks.

The Church of England affirms the ‘Whole Church’ approach to safeguarding. This approach encompasses a commitment to consistent policy and practice across all Church bodies, Church Officers and that everyone associated with the Church, who comes into contact with children, young people and adults, has a role to play.

The Church will take appropriate steps to maintain a safer environment for all and to practice fully and positively Christ’s Ministry towards children, young people and adults; to respond sensitively and compassionately to their needs in order to help keep them safe from harm.

Although safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone here at St Mary’s; Nicholas Tufton is our designated Safeguarding Lead and can be contacted about any safeguarding matter on 07768 526461 or by emailing [email protected]

Two very useful links:

More information on the Church of England’s National Safeguarding can be found here:

More information about Safeguarding in the Diocese of St. Albans can be found here:

Recording and live streaming services

1) Following changes in worship patterns due to the pandemic, services from the churches in Barkway Barley and Reed may sometimes be recorded and or live-streamed. Streaming will not normally include images of the congregation, but of ministers and leaders. Any images of the congregation will be distant or in passing. There will be no images of people in close up, praying, or at the communion rail.

3) Worshippers will be advised if a service is being recorded/live-streamed through announcements in church and via the weekly notice sheet. A notice is also by placed at the entrance to the church and on the noticeboard.

2) Only ministers leading the service will be filmed, and, if those leading readings and intercessions are likely to be on film, their permission will be sought beforehand.

3) If children are going to appear on the recording or live stream, the express permission of their parents/guardians will be sought prior to filming.

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