Evening Prayer

Sunday 01 August 2021, Sunday 15 August 2021, Sunday 05 September 2021 at for 35 mins

A service of psalms, Bible readings, hymns and prayers with a short homily. The service lasts about 35 minutes.

Sunday Worship

Sunday 09 May 2021, Sunday 23 May 2021, Sunday 13 June 2021, Sunday 27 June 2021, Sunday 11 July 2021, Sunday 25 July 2021, Sunday 08 August 2021, Sunday 22 August 2021, Sunday 12 September 2021, Sunday 17 October 2021, Sunday 21 November 2021, Sunday 16 January 2022, Sunday 20 February 2022, Sunday 20 March 2022, Sunday 17 April 2022, Sunday 15 May 2022, Sunday 19 June 2022, Sunday 17 July 2022, Sunday 21 August 2022, Sunday 18 September 2022 at for 30 mins

Morning Worship on Zoom


Sunday 25 July 2021, Sunday 22 August 2021, Sunday 26 September 2021, Sunday 24 October 2021, Sunday 28 November 2021, Sunday 23 January 2022, Sunday 27 February 2022, Sunday 27 March 2022, Sunday 24 April 2022, Sunday 22 May 2022, Sunday 26 June 2022, Sunday 24 July 2022, Sunday 28 August 2022, Sunday 25 September 2022 at for 30 mins
St Nicholas, Manston
Manston Sturminster Newton, DT101EX, United Kingdom

When you arrive at the church you will be welcomed, invited to sanitise your hands and shown where to sit. You will need to give your name and contact telephone number and you need to keep you face mask in place through the whole service. You will be given a prayer book.
We start the service by saying sorry to God for the things we have said and done that have hurt or wounded others or ourselves. We then say a psalm which is a sort of poem/song from the OT that Jesus would have used in his worship. We then listen to readings from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible interspersed with two more songs from the Bible called the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittis. There is a sermon of about 10-15 minutes and then prayers for the needs of the church, the world, our community, and those who have asked for personal prayer if they are poorly or bereaved. A collection plate is at the back of church for donations for the work of the church.
The whole service lasts about 30 minutes.


Sunday 30 May 2021, Sunday 29 August 2021 at for 30 mins

This is a special service where we share bread and wine in our own homes, but which is not blessed by a priest. An agape is literally a sort of meal, and our service is a symbol of that. There are also Bible readings, hymns and prayers with a short homily. The service lasts about 35 minutes.