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St Peter’s Church is a building of flint and stone in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, it has a low western tower which is embattled, pinnacled and containing one bell. Of architectural significance is the ornate north side with its fine flush work arcading. The font is of particular note and is believed to pre-date 1607.

There are two pieces of medieval stained glass inserted into the north window. The Church was restored in 1870 by the Campbell family at a cost of about £2000; the Lady Chapel was restored in 1920 and a stained glass window erected by Mrs Overman, J.P. to commemorate Lt. John Gilbert Overman, killed in action in 1918. 


Weasenham is part of the Parishes of the Upper Nar and Launditch Group.

For a full list of benefice worship click here


Team Rector    Revd Canon Heather Butcher      

Team Vicar:      Revd Julia Hemp    


All enquiries should be directed to:

Canon Heather Butcher, (Rector) The Rectory, Pound Lane, Litcham, PE32 2QR

Phone: 01328 700 071 or e-mail: [email protected]

Team Vicar: Reverend Julia Hemp The Vicarage, 4 Lodge Farm Meadows, Gressenhall, NR20 4TN

Phone 01362 861380 or email: [email protected]

Fakenham Road
PE32 2TF

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