
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Mission Coordinator
(01981) 620145

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St. Margaret's Church

Our beautiful church in rural south west Herefordshire is famous for its medieval rood screen.  Services are held approximately every three weeks, varying between the Book of Common Prayer and Common Worship and you will be assured of a warm welcome when you worship with us.  Morning services are always followed by a cup of coffe and a chat!

Come and visit us to view the unique rood screen, the stained glass window by Archibald Davies, the painted wall texts or just for peace and contemplation.  The church has stunning views in all directions;  it may be a little challenging to get to, but it is well worth the effort!  The church is open everyday during reasonable daylight hours.

If you would like to become a 'Friend of St Margaret's' please contact John Baxter at [email protected]

The Church is part of the Black Mountains Group Benefice - which also includes the 5 churches of Clodock with Longtown, Craswall, Llanveynoe, Michaelchurch Escley and Newton.  If there is no service at St.Margarets, please try a service at one of the other churches.  There are usually 3 Sunday services across the benefice with times of 9.30am, 11am, and 6.30pm. See churches listed on the right.

The church does not have a separate website, but has linked to our entry on Visit Herefordshire Churches, where there are more pictures and detail on how to get to the church.

If you are interested in the history of the church and the local area or researching your family please visit  There is a vast array of information on the local parishes - go to the digital archive to access copies of local births, deaths and marriage registers. Only information over 100 years old is retained on this website. The majority of original registers are held by the Archives Service of Herefordshire Council. Please see attached link:

St Margarets

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