
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

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A warm welcome awaits you at St Paul's

St Paul's church is a community where we seek to walk openly and honestly with others as we learn to grow in God's love. You can be assured of a warm welcome and acceptance by a community made up of people who work hard and enjoy a good sense of humour together. Please feel free to walk with us for however short or long a time as you like. We extend a warm welcome to all to spend time with us, grow with us and be touched by God's love. Our services are ones where we believe God speaks to us and continues to challenge us about His dream for the world. Each service has its own unique style and we believe we offer a creative mix of worship for all ages!

To arrange a baptism, wedding or funeral at St Paul's please call 01432 274490
For further information please visit our website St Paul's Church, Hereford

Church Road

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