
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Getting here

We are one congregation of three in a benefice with St John's in the High Street, and St Mary's at Meare. We call this group of churches the “Abbey Parishes”. Although we are independent churches with separate Church Councils, we all share clergy and resources, and we worship together regularly.

St Benedict's Church building is located near the top of Benedict Street (which continues down from the bottom of Glastonbury High Street). There has been a church on the site since 1091.

The church building was reopened at the end of April 2014 after 7 months of major interior reordering work. What a difference!

Although small in number, we pride ourselves on being warm and friendly, and visitors are always welcome at our services.

We worship in modern language and we try to make it easy to follow. Some parts of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) service are occasionally sung. Our singing is led by our small choir.

For more details, see our website and our Google Events Calendar (under "Pages and Links").

Benedict Street

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