What is Redhill doing with its church?

Last month I spoke about my joy at the fact that our church is there for everyone in the community, not just those who attend regularly. Of course this is true of every Church of England Church, but in Redhill we try to live out this principle in everything we do. Let me give you some examples:

Church used to be something that was delivered by a Priest from the front, with the congregation there simply to receive what was provided and join in the hymns. Whilst this format has some merit, people today look for something that is far more interactive and relevant to their lives. At Redhill Church we have two Services each month that aim to do exactly that. One on the second Sunday of the month, which is more music based, and one on the fourth Sunday that is more action based. All Services start at 11 o'clock, last less than an hour and finish with refreshments. These are Services suitable for people of all ages.

From the beginning of May the songs for these two Services will be picked by those attending from a menu during the Service; not just what the Minister wants. The Readings too will have been selected by members of the congregation a week before the Service. Indeed the whole Service will feel more like a Buffet of opportunities to be taken up during the Service, as required to meet the needs and events of people's lives that week.

I am really excited, and a little anxious, about how this will work out. It will mean that a lot more people are involved in presenting our Sunday Services, but also that it is much more the worship of the community. It may sound to you like a daft idea, but please come along and try it for yourself, letting me know what you think.

These are Services that are there to help us celebrate the gift of life and God's love for us all. They are also Services when we can bring before God the fears and trauma of modern life, whether we want to express those out loud, or just hold them in our hearts.

My prayer is that, whether you like the idea of this sort of Service, or prefer the predictability of a more traditional Service, whether you join us occasionally and would like to come more, or whether you would just like to come a few times a year as the mood strikes you, that Redhill Church fulfils your needs.

Wishing you every blessing


Rev’d Andrew Hemming, Priest for Redhill

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