Mothers’ Union

Mothers’ Union

The Mothers’ Union is a Christian Organisation. We meet in St James Church Hall on the 2nd Tuesday in the month (except August) and try to have a variety of activities and speakers each month. Our annual “regulars” are our AGM in January, our outing in June, our Strawberry Fair in July and our Christmas Party in December. A current programme of our meetings can be obtained from MU members or on the stand in Church. You do not have to be a regular member of St James Church but it is preferable that you do attend a Church of another denomination. If you know someone who is a member of our Branch or merely want to visit to meet us please do come along to one of our meetings. We don’t bite, and you never know, you may get to like us! We would particularly welcome some of you younger mums with your fresh ideas – you don’t have to be grandmother age to join us, we were young once!

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