
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Rev. Liz McLean
01254 782886

Getting here

Welcome to St Peter's Church

'Serving and being part of the community for over 200 years'

We want to make you feel a real part of the Christian community here at St. Peter's - hopefully through our web site we can bring you all the information you need about us and encourage you to play a part in our worship and service of God.

Mission Statement

'Mission to all through and by Prayer, Worship, and Service’

St. Peter’s


+ Distinctive
- is Anglican
- values tradition
- values based
- offers stillness and peace

+ a Community constantly seeking to learn and develop itself

+ Serves God and Community
- Engages with others

+ Engages in Mission
- Locally
- Internationally

in all of this, relying on

+ Prayer and Worship

Ribchester Road

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