
During the Covid-19 pandemic please check our website for details of the many opportunities for shared worship and prayer.

Getting here

St Paul's aims to be an 'open' Church:

* open in our Christian faith and practice:

* open to questions of faith and doubt, of lifestyle, of justice and peace

* open to people of all backgrounds

* open (above all) to the ultimate mystery we call God, and to the life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth

Our congregation includes:

* old and young

* single and married

* gay and straight

* waged and unwaged

* students

* people from a range of differing church, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

We meet for:

* regular church lunches

* small groups for prayer, study and discussion

Our worship includes:

* choral music of a high standard

* evening worship which is contemplative, less formal

St Paul's Road, Clifton, Bristol

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