
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

01454 319228
Joanne Hodge - Parish Secretary
01454 313105

Getting here

Parts of St. Peter's date back to the mid 13th century although the main structure is medieval. The tower houses six bells which were recast and rehung in 2000.

The church contains the tomb of Sir Henry de Codrington who was standard bearer to Henry V at the battle of Agincourt in 1415. Judge Jeffries visited the church when he was touring during his 'bloody' assize of the Tollpuddle martyrs.

Services are held every Sunday evening at 6.30pm. The first, third and fifth Sundays are sung Evening Prayer using the Book of Common Prayer. The second and fourth Sundays are Holy Commuinion with the Book of Common Worship.

Wapley Hill

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