Facilities and features


Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible Toilet

Please contact us if you or a member of your family has sensory/routine issues which may cause them to struggle during a service. the Parish Priest will happily sit with a family and work to minimise difficulties to ensure you and your family can worship or celebrate as comfortably as possible. Additional rehearsals/service walkthoughs, guidance to "safe spaces" and access to quiet spaces can be arranged as needed.

Accessible car parking
Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs

Our Building

Music and Worship

Regular Choir

Groups, Courses and Activities

2nd Stratton Beavers meet 5.30-6.30pm Fridays during school term time

2nd Stratton Cubs meet 6.45pm-8.15pm Fridays during school term time

Help for Visitors

Other Features

A collection box for Swindon Foodbank is present in church - please do donate generously and often.

Hall for Hire