About Us

We are a rural, medieval, church in an area of outstanding natural beauty at the base of the the north downs and close to the pilgrims way route to Canterbury. The church is open every day from 10 til 5 from Easter until Harvest. After that please use contacts in the church porch to find a key holder.

Although a small parish we have a lot going on in the village and link with everyone in the community for activities through the year. We have Christingles and Carols at Christmas, Candlemas sing along in February, Easter egg hunt in April ,Safari supper in June, Garden safari in July, fete and gliding in August, pet service in July, we celebrate Creation month in September, we share a harvest festival lunch and auction of promises supper in October, we hold a Remembrance Day outdoor service in November.

We collect weekly for the local Food Bank, box in the porch.

We are trying to green our church by switching from oil to green electricity for heating, wilding parts of the churchyard and adding memorial benches to encourage a quiet sit in the peace of the churchyard. Snowdrops, primroses, daffodils and  blossom in spring make this a relaxing place to spend a while.

We encourage everyone to stay after services for refreshments, often with homemade cake. All are welcome to these coffee and cake sessions whether they attend the service or not. On the first Sunday of the month there is breakfast@St Mary’s, everyone welcome to come and enjoy toast and tea, coffee and croissants and/or bacon butties. Gluten free or Vegan if you warn us first.