
Congratulations on your engagement!

The story of your relationship as a couple may have begun fairly recently or some time ago. Either way, getting married is a whole new beginning for you, your family and others in your life. We look forward to sharing that new beginning with you and to welcoming you to St Oswald's Church.

Marriage is one of the greatest joys of life. Christianity understands marriage to be a holy estate and a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman. The vows that you will make to each other promise that this will be for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health. At St Oswald's Church, we will do everything we can to provide proper preparation and support to couples who come here to be married.

If one of you lives within the parish boundaries or are a member of the congregation on the electoral roll, you are welcome to be married in this church.

If you do not presently meet that criteria, you may have other connections with this parish that will still make it possible for you to marry here. Examples will include you or your parents having lived previously in the parish for six months or more, or that you were baptised here. In any event, please be in touch and we will be pleased to explore these and other such ‘Qualifying Connections’ with you.

Once arrangements are in hand, we will invite you to a Marriage Preparation Day in Church (usually in the September of the year before you are married), but we will also meet on several occasions to discuss the legal things (reading your banns) and also to arrange all of the details for your special day.

For more information about Weddings watch the brief video, click on the Church of England tab at top of the page, then select Life Events, Weddings and contact us 0151 201 0377 and to arrange for us to meet and discuss your wedding.