Facilities and features


A toilet is available within the church building, and it is wheelchair friendly.

Baby change facilities can be found within the toilet area.

We regret that we do not have car parking facilities and it is necessary to use on/street parking. In doing so may we ask that you are considerate to our neighbours.

Our toilet is accessible to all.

There is a land-line telephone in the office but this is for office use only and in the case of emergency.
For users of mobile phones there is a signal to enable them to be used but it is a little erratic!
Please remember to turn off mobile phones during all services.

For large events, the Stoneleigh Meadows Society will discuss the feasibility of opening the adjacent large meadow which they own, for a modest fee. One of the criteria to be looked at is the general state of the weather, because there is an incline on the meadow and there can be the possibility of vehicles getting stuck in very wet weather.

We do not yet have a defibrillator on site but there is one in the centre of the village (within 100 yards).
First aid facilities are available in the church.

There is a ramp from the road into the churchyard for those with wheelchairs or walkers, and then unrestricted access into the church.

A new sound system has been installed. It includes a hearing loop and there is a the facility to reproduce recorded music. In addition there is a provision to enable services and music to be relayed to outside.
We have also installed an audio visual system which is being introduced into our services on a regular basis.

Large print copies of the order of service are available on request, and we are increasingly showing all hymns and the order of service on the screen.

Our Building

The church is open daily between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm (3 pm during winter months).

St Mary the Virgin Church is a Grade A listed building due to its historic nature. The history exhibition in the Leigh Chapel is worth a visit if you are interested in historic churches.

Music and Worship

A dedicated team of Bell Ringers practise at Stoneleigh Church and ring the bells every Sunday morning. For details on how to get involved contact Jackie, our administrator.

The Stoneleigh Male Voice Choir, Stoneleigh Ladies' Choir, and others perform concerts in the church throughout the year. Please see the events page for details of upcoming concerts.
More concerts to suit all tastes are regularly being introduced.

All our main services are accompanied by our organist Mr. John Morris FRCO GRSM ARCM, on the splendid Nicholson Organ.
For some services, particularly when the emphasis is on children, we sometimes revert to the piano.

The liturgy for all services is constantly under review and can vary from week to week.

The choir was disbanded several years ago, but the standard of singing is considered to be very good, with music playing a prominent part in all our services.

Groups, Courses and Activities

We are currently looking for young people to get involved in the operation of our new audio/visual system. If you would be interested in joining such an activity, particularly if you already have computer skills, please speak to one of the church wardens.

Courses are held on a regular basis in conjunction with Ashow church. Please see the notice boards and 'Pews News', which is published weekly.

Please see the note above referring to courses.

We are aiming to re-introduce a coffee morning in the village on a regular basis. Plans are being made and there will be notices on display shortly.
Refreshments are available after every service and all are encouraged to stay for fellowship and to meet other worshipers from the community.

Should you require to speak to somebody in confidence, please contact the Priest-in-Charge, Rev. Petrica Bistran, or speak to one of the wardens who will make the necessary arrangements.

Regrettably the Toddlers Group is temporarily suspended but it is hoped that it will be re-started as soon as possible.

Help for Visitors

To arrange a guided tour please contact Jackie our administrator.

Leaflets, guidebooks and a children's leaflet are all available inside the church.
The Stoneleigh History Society run a history area inside the Leigh Chapel.

There is a kitchen at the rear of the church and visitors are welcome to make themselves a drink with the refreshments available.

The church is open daily between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm (3 pm during the winter months)

Other Features

These are now available and are being used in our regular worship. They can also be made available for weddings, funerals and services of remembrance.

We do not have a church hall, but there is a village hall which is available for hire, and the village club also has facilities available. Please speak to the church administrator, Jackie, who will give you the contacts.