From Your Vicar

From Caroline - [email protected], 01285 712467

Readings for Sunday:  Isaiah 6.1-8; Romans 8.12-17; John 3.1-17

This Sunday in church we are passing through a transition period – essentially a doorway between all of the busyness and excitement of the first half of the year and the mountainous importance of those great moments in the life and ministry of Jesus that we celebrate, and… something else. It’s a calmer time, a more relaxed time, and most importantly, it’s time when we get to think about what it means not just to believe things about God, but to live as a follower of Jesus. We’ve seen what God has offered to us – the power and the truth – and now we need to work out what our response looks like.

Trinity Sunday is the gateway into this time because it finally gives us the direction to do our best to look at God straight-on. We know that throughout Jesus’ life he was teaching his followers about God and his purposes for the world, and yet those followers were incapable of fully understanding. They hadn’t seen Jesus’ death and resurrection yet. They weren’t equipped to understand. But now they and we have seen that amazing story played out. They and we have prayed for and received the gift of the Holy Spirit, to open our eyes and hearts to deeper understanding.

We are offered the opportunity to look at God. And we are asked to do our best to describe what we see. Because this God, this loving God, our Creator, our Saviour, our Brother, our Comforter, our Friend… this God is the one who we follow on a daily basis. Even in the ordinary time, even in the calm time, the boring time, perhaps especially in those times! We need to remember who it is we follow, and let Him be the one who shapes how we live.

We shouldn’t be surprised that our attempts to describe the God we look at on Trinity Sunday feel insufficient. We shouldn’t give up because there is no neat formula that can sum up the nature of the Creator of the Universe. We are small. Our words are small. We can only see what we can see. But we can see where God has reached out to us. We can know where and how his power has shaped and guided us. And we do our best to describe those experiences. We have experienced God as Father, as Son, as Holy Spirit. We know this to be God, and we worship and follow Him.

Rev’d Caroline

Zoom Morning Prayer – Tues - Thurs, Sat every week

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