May services

May starts with the sixth Sunday after Easter, goes through Ascension Day and Pentecost, and finishes with Trinity Sunday – a fitting closure to the long and early Easter season.

May 5, 9:15 – Communion for Rogation Sunday, led by Bill Blakey

May 9, 7:00 pm – Ascension Day communion, led by Andrew Keith

May 12, 11:00 – Communion, at Ashchurch

May 15, 10:00 to 12:00 – Coffee Morning and Sale for Christian Aid

May 19, 9:15 – Communion, led by Andrew Keith, also for Christian Aid

May 26, 11:00 – Benefice Morning Praise, at Ashchurch

Please come and join our services if you can. All worshippers will be very welcome – members of our villages, our extended families, and any visitors enjoying our quiet corner of the Cotswolds. Our services are simple and approachable, primarily based on Common Worship.

Choir recording sessions – The Kings’ Singers will be using our church for two recording sessions: Apr 30 to May 1, and May 7 to 8. The church will be closed for normal use on these four days so that they can work undisturbed: please respect their need for as little outside noise as possible.