Building Projects

The external re-paint of Christchurch in 2004 marked the end of the "maintenance" of the original 1894 "temporary" structure as we moved into a couple of decade of capital investment. 

The process started in a small way, in 2005, with the purchase of new "Songs of Fellowship 3" Hymn books with new "red" communion service booklets.

2006 saw both leaking aisle roofs re-boarded and a GRP weatherproofing applied - together with a new back door.

In 2007, the focus was on reviewing our worship - the notable change being the first of the monthly Cafe Church services - designed to reach out to any who were not so comfortable with the formality of Communion or Evening Prayer.

2009 marked a step-change in attracting folk to use the church more - with the purchase of 50 upholstered chairs and the disposal by tender of 8 pews to villagers

We then saved up our money for the first of the major structural improvements as 2012 saw the creation of our disabled toilet in its own extension (squaring off the cut-out in the north east corner of the church. Fully insulated with first-time water and waste services, this was a huge boost to the community as "the warmest room in the benefice" was officially opened by the Bishop of Grantham.

In 2013, we were the most grateful recipients of a "permanent loan" of the Billingborough Methodist Communion Table, to use as our Altar, from Billingborough Church. The Chancel was re-ordered to house it appropriately.

In 2016 we were delighted to complete the rebuild of our leaking and creaking North Aisle - complete with the installation of a servery.

In an unplanned move - we completed the full replacement of the Church Roof in 2017 - following the 1/6th replacement that had been forced upon us by identifying serious leaks during the rebuild of the North Aisle.

2019 was another huge year for the building - with the South Aisle being completely taken down and rebuilt. The old Vestry is now our open-plan "Kidz Corner" and we have new display areas and a tidy storage cupboard. The entire lighting scheme was replaced and building works were completed in October. The final touches, including staining the floor, were completed straight after the 2020 spring Covid-19 lockdown.