
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Getting here

Please visit our website at for helpful information and useful contacts. We are an Anglican Village Church, and form a part of the Springline Group of Parishes. We cater for all ages, and encourage each other to grow in our faith through prayer, a variety of activities, and relevant bible teaching. We seek to serve our local community, including all those at RAF Scampton, and enjoy a close relationship with the children and staff at Pollyplatt Primary School, and our local Church of England School in the village. We run the Scampton community lottery, the proceeds of which helps to support community activities. We believe that following and worshiping Jesus should be fun, exciting and not too 'stuffy'. We are passionate about developing fresh expressions of church to enable our worship to be modern and relevant. This year we are participating in a season of invitation. We offer teaching to raise awareness of baptism, confirmation, and marriage responsibilities.

High Street

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