Call for volunteers and food bank donations!

Our Church and Ministry Centre, as well as other churches and community services in the area are always in need of volunteers. See below for opportunities to get involved: 

Christ Church Aughton:  

Cafe Vista - If you are at least 16 years old and would like to donate your time at Cafe Vista  (even if it's just for a few hours or it's on a temporary basis) please call the church office at 01695 424530 or email [email protected] to request a volunteer form. Every little bit of help counts, particularly during the summer!

Toddler Group - We are looking for a volunteer for about one hour on Tuesday mornings (10:30 am) to help serve teas and coffee to the adults at Toddler Group. This could be one Tuesday a month or each Tuesday during term time only. Any help would be a blessing. Pop into the office if your interested.

There are many other ways to get involved including becoming part of the cleaning or church flowers teams,  joining the tea/coffee rota, caretaking before/after events or participating on the pastoral team. If you want an informal chat about any one of these volunteering opportunities please speak to Sarah. 

Food banks:  The Ormskirk and Skelmersdale food banks are in need of food items to distribute to those in need in the local community. Items that are most needed at this time are:

Long Life milk, biscuits, small bags of sugar, coffee, teabags, rice pudding, custard, sponge puddings, instant mash and hot dogs, tinned items such as fruit, carrots, potatoes, fish and meat.  Toiletries, feminine hygiene and baby nappies are also needed.  

Please call the Ministry Centre before your arrive to drop off your donations. Thank you in advance for your generosity.  

Supporting other churches in our local community

Volunteers Required Contact Vicar Andrew Howsley at St. Michael’s Church Aughton 07788256776