About Us

Welcome to our Parish. In the streets and estates of the western part of Kentish Town, the Church of S. Silas continues to witness to God’s love and to exercise his care for all those who live here.

S. Silas Church was built for Catholic Worship and has been foremost in promoting and teaching the Catholic Faith since its Consecration in 1912. That faith is taught not only in words but in its care for the local people. There are hundreds of people in the parish who do not come regularly to Church but feel they ‘belong’ to it: here we create a community which does not exist in any other way. There is a flourishing and welcoming congregation on Sundays with a Mass setting sung by the choir at the Parish Mass; there is a quieter Mass and Benediction on Sunday evenings; the Mass and Offices are said in Church here every day. We are very fortunate that S. Silas is a quiet and devotional building, set back from the main roads and yet easy to find by public transport. We are also often a focus for meetings of a number of the Catholic Societies who hold their annual festivals with us.

Please visit www.ssilas.co.uk for further information.