Garden of Remembrance / Churchyard Burial Records

We have a Garden of Remembrance in which ashes can be buried, between the church and St George's School - this is a dignified resting place for loved ones, with benches for those who like to come and sit in the peace of the garden.

For burials of ashes, a short service is held for each family by arrangement with the Vicar: in 2024 the fee for burial of ashes is £192, the majority of which is used for the ongoing care of the garden. Some of those whose ashes are buried in the Garden are marked with a plaque at the family's request. In 2024 the charge for plaques of the agreed design, ordered via the parish is £189 for a single name and £249 for a plaque with two names, including the fitting fee and ongoing care of the garden.

The name of every person remembered in our Garden is entered in a Book of Remembrance in church (there is currently no charge for this) - if you wish to visit for an anniversary and would like to spend some time in church and see the entry in the book (the deceased's name, age and month and year of death), please contact the Churchwardens in advance. NB the book may not always be available to view, due to the need for updating.

The garden is maintained all year round by a gardener and some volunteers and the guidance for use can be found below - contact the Vicar for more information.

St George's churchyard was cleared of memorials (around 1700 of them!) and landscaped in 1974. The churchyard is largely closed and no further burials (except for the burial of ashes in existing family graves) are possible. As of June 2020, responsibility for the churchyard is shared between Tameside MBC (broadly, the churchyard and walls to the east of the church building), and St George's PCC (the churchyard and walls to the immediate south and west of the church building). 

For comprehensive information on burials go here. We're grateful for the hard work of Rita Vaughan, Kathryn Young, Shirley Howard and Pauline Philips to make this record available.

The attached record of inscriptions and records is courtesy of Kathryn Young and Rota Vaughan. These are large files which may take a while to open!

For safety, and because of the sacred nature of the site, dogs should only be permitted to use the churchyard appropriately, and should be kept on leads at all times and any litter etc should be removed. 

